Police. When to call?
Call in cases of:
- a traffic accident when people were injured;
- when obstacles on a road or unsafe driving endangers traffic safety;
- attempts to kidnap, damage or destroy personal or public property;
- a theft;
- violence or coercion against a person;
- certain circumstances posing a threat to life or health of a person (fell out of a window, off a bridge, etc.);
- having found weapons, explosives or explosive-like objects;
- having found or lost personal items and documents;
- when a person goes missing, and his location or fate are unknown;
- having spotted a suspicious or wanted person;
- having found a corpse;
- conducted illegal economic activities, violating business procedures;
- keeping, selling and using narcotic substances;
- public order violations, noise, alcohol consumption in public places;
- reporting corruption;
- incitement to hatred, dissemination of negative information on the Internet;
- violations of election procedures;
- violations of transit procedures or incidents with citizens of the Russian Federation traveling in transit through the territory of Lithuania.